26 March, 2010


my, my. tonight was such an awesome night. my pessimism was revolutionised just to witness God's glory having stirred a  flame that is yet to burn brightly amongst the junior high peeps. but wow. on the way home kristine was telling us 'it was cool to see something like clapping hands was so significant' (well, something along those lines) and she was right. to be refreshed on the different aspects of worshipping our God really burned down the walls of misconception as we just let out cries of spiritual hunger and a desire for change. i really pray that it's not just hype.

earlier in the night, yan was pointing out how the younger ones were the future, the future of yd, the church, sydney, australia and the world. it was awesome to have the ability to clap, scream, jump, bow and sing for our God with no shame of having a throat that was sorely dying but just to release the reverence we feel towards Him.

God also pushed me forward in my leadership, i did take a step forward tonight. And i'm thankful that i did.
oh and let us not forget the head-banging and moshing we partook of. i hope to see more nights of passionate worship, not just physically but spiritually. "And God saw that it was good" Genesis 1:9

1 comment:

K said...

ehehe "something along those lines" (: