22 April, 2010


song writing is back in my agenda! and boy am i excited. for the past few months, i've been moping around praying for a band to magically appear and say 'HEY SING FOR US!' well, considering that wont' be happening anytime soon, i'm just going to keep writing, or get back to it.

had a brief chat with a girl named harmony today about song writing. she was blunt she told me "write more songs" and as plain and blunt as it was, it was a bit of a revelation. we were discussing God's calling in our lives and i've been in a bit of a rut from not having heard any pure confirmation from God, but from talking to her, it's kind of been lingering before me for ages. i'd like to believe i'm called to performing, and in regards to ministry, in leadership and the worship team, so i'm going to quit sobbing over lack of progression with my personal dream and latch on to God's desire for me in this season. to cut things short, i'm going to write more songs that bring Him glory, not me.

oh, and i'm not limiting myself to what i've ascribed above. don't... you know, FREAK OUT. but this topic can go on, and i've got school tomorrow...
ah. now i can sleep.

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