was at school today, yes, during the school holidays, and was working on my major for visual arts. heres a few images of my day. all in all, it was fun, nick and i (pictured above) spent most of our time in the dark room experimenting with our SLRs. i'm currently going through a fish-eye + vintage photograph phase. and as i have yet to develop the film from my diana, nor in possession of a fish-eye lens.. this has been adobically manipulated.

my work station. oh yeah. snacks, subway smoothie. mac. itunes. thats how i operate.

the new pimpin' chairs. my teacher customised the stools as they were bitterly cold during the winter. she also added cushioning to some of them.

some of the girls at work. that red chair on the left is a vintage barber shop find my teachers found. i don't know how they find such cool things.
[edit]: just realised i didn't 'fish-eye' that last image. oh wells.
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