It's pretty funny, before i started typing down this blog post I conjured up in my head what my first line would be. And out came "my husband and I started doing bible studies..." But then I realised hang on, I'm not married yet. That's awkward, hahaha. Anyway, I thought that was HILARIOUS. Anyway, back to this blog.
On my other blog (tumblr) I talked about how I desperately want to get back into blogging with substance again. Blogging with sincerity and blogging with the intent to grow spiritually and simply mentally work out my brain (playing music 24/7 may be dumbing me down).
My boyfriend and I started doing bible studies together (That's him and myself above). We both wanted to make this a consistent habit for us since we first started dating six months ago, but it was only a month ago that we really started doing it, and it has been awesome! We're currently tackling 1 Corinthians together and God has revised so many things that I've left in the back of my mind, but have been so pivotal in my walk as a Christian. When Ben and I do bible study together we'll go chapter by chapter and talk about what stuck out to us and what it means to us. I spend a lot of our bible studies just talking, talking about everything with Ben just sitting there listening, nodding and (most of the time) agreeing. At first I thought that he didn't want to share and explain what it all meant to him, but it turns out that he simply likes me talking about the Word and how it impacts me... which leaves me feeling all gay and fuzzy inside ha.
Here are the verses that stuck out to me from last nights bible study as well as an explanation of how it impacts me:
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulteress, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
What I love about this passage is that Paul basically singles out everyone. No one (apart from Jesus Christ) is unrighteous. We all fall short and lie, cheat, steal etc. Some maybe more than others, some maybe more proudly than others, some maybe more secretive than others... but we are all victim to this. Prior to this passage Paul talks about how unfair it is for Christians to judge non-Christians for their sins and verse 11 ties it up wonderfully, "And such were some of you". How can we, as Christians, place judgement on people who haven't experienced the grace of God that we have experienced? How can we condemn people who don't know their worth in God? I believe in showcasing the love of Jesus Christ to people, period. It's so simple, easy and effective to just be that person that people know believes in them, encourages them and will be there for them, because we as Christians should be first to know what it's like to hit rock bottom and want to give up, and we as Christians should be the first to help out those who are struggling and straggling unsure of where to go in life.
"Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body" 1 Corinthians 6:20
For a Christian person in a relationship to say that they don't struggle with temptation is a blatant liar. It's one of the first and most frequent areas in which you'll undergo a lot of struggle. I know a couple that have been together for a long time and haven't yet kissed, I'm not really sure why but if it's to steer clear of temptation I sincerely salute them. Anyway, the reason why this verse spoke out to me was because when you sin, you're generally hurting someone else e.g. lying to another person. But when you commit to a sexual sin (before marriage or not with your wife/husband) not only are you hurting someone else, but more importantly you're hurting yourself. Young Christians, be careful. If you ever come across a situation where you are tempted to compromise your purity RUN. And i mean RUN! Make a scene. Bolt out the door and scream if you have to. If you give Satan an inch, he'll take a whole yard. And you can never take it back, it's a scar that has the potential to hinder you later on in life.
"The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does." 1 Corinthians 7:4
What I love about this verse is that, from how I've interpreted it, it completely shutdowns any misogynist notions/ideologies people place against the bible. I don't believe God was a misogynist, nor do I believe that He created women to be unequal to men. He loves both men and women with the same unconditional love. Anyway, I love this verse because it is an example of how marriage is about partnership, not ownership. As is your relationship with God, it's a partnership (by His grace, honestly. How amazing is He!). Ben and I have been learning to be both dependent on God, each other and His word and it has been the most refreshing thing (for me personally) to surrender it to Him, because I know that there have been times where I knew that a lot of our relationship was in bad shape simply because we both weren't depending on God. But God is a restorer of lost things, and it is only now (7 months down the track!) that i feel like i'm in a God-centred relationship, a relationship that I can put my money on. One that will last.
"You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men." 1 Corinthians 7:23
I thought this verse was so powerful and also confronting. Why? For me, it sort of shone a spotlight on all the areas of my character and identity that weren't Christ-centered. things that I hadn't/haven't surrendered to Him. And it sort of hit me... the size of the sacrifice God gave in order to redeem my life - His only sinless Son. It shattered me. It was like someone injected adrenalin straight into my heart. God picked me. He also picked you. And that last phrase of the sentence is sort of a challenge, "Do not become slaves of men", or rather "Do not sellout your integrity to please others", or "do not compromise your identity to please others"... why? You'll be the only one wearing the shackles and no one else in the world will care.
"The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does." 1 Corinthians 7:4
What I love about this verse is that, from how I've interpreted it, it completely shutdowns any misogynist notions/ideologies people place against the bible. I don't believe God was a misogynist, nor do I believe that He created women to be unequal to men. He loves both men and women with the same unconditional love. Anyway, I love this verse because it is an example of how marriage is about partnership, not ownership. As is your relationship with God, it's a partnership (by His grace, honestly. How amazing is He!). Ben and I have been learning to be both dependent on God, each other and His word and it has been the most refreshing thing (for me personally) to surrender it to Him, because I know that there have been times where I knew that a lot of our relationship was in bad shape simply because we both weren't depending on God. But God is a restorer of lost things, and it is only now (7 months down the track!) that i feel like i'm in a God-centred relationship, a relationship that I can put my money on. One that will last.
"You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men." 1 Corinthians 7:23
I thought this verse was so powerful and also confronting. Why? For me, it sort of shone a spotlight on all the areas of my character and identity that weren't Christ-centered. things that I hadn't/haven't surrendered to Him. And it sort of hit me... the size of the sacrifice God gave in order to redeem my life - His only sinless Son. It shattered me. It was like someone injected adrenalin straight into my heart. God picked me. He also picked you. And that last phrase of the sentence is sort of a challenge, "Do not become slaves of men", or rather "Do not sellout your integrity to please others", or "do not compromise your identity to please others"... why? You'll be the only one wearing the shackles and no one else in the world will care.
So those were the verses that spoke volumes to me on my second last bible study with Ben before he flew up to Brisbane to play at the Big Sound Music Festival! His time away has been really refreshing because it's allowed me to spend time with God in a way that's left me feeling more and more love for Ben.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
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