thank you for doing life with me :D
it's certainly more interesting than all the peasants we come across wearing fake dolce & gabbana glasses asking for our autographs.
31 December, 2009
30 December, 2009
while you were sleeping:
5:30am. energy drinks in hand. we hadn't even slept yet. after a night of habbo-ing, TokBox conferencing with ally, singing, sharing our inner most secrets it is/was probably the most pocket-friendly experience occurring this summer. but we're not going to bed just yet. we're going to watch avatar soon! haha.
28 December, 2009
my day/night
today was probably one of the most refreshing days i’ve had in a long time. not in a sense of taking a shower, or getting a haircut. but just how much i’ve been missing out on throughout 2009 in terms of being edified and evaluated.
not that i need or want to be ridiculed or put down. but i’ve just been jam packed with more and more advice on taking on youth ministry and just being totally legit. that is, legit with myself, my faith, my identity, my schoolwork, youth ministry. being hardcore, being passionate. do you have those friends or role models whose very presence inspires you to push yourself? to move forward? to step out of your comfort zone?
i’m grateful i do. and i’m thankful to know that they place a genuine interest in my being and my workings, that they pick out things i’ve messed up on. not to rub it in my face. but to just expose that theres room to improve. without their leadership and the grace of God, i’d be the same self-consumed mess i was just a few months ago. it’s not about me. it’s not about what i’ve done, or the opportunities i’ve missed. but it’s about pressing forward. pursuing greater things for a greater cause.
one thing i’m bringing to 2010:
go hard, or go home.
and here’s a list of people i’m thankful for:
YD Elites: servant-hearted, passionate and direct.
PG & Ate Mons: genuine. ghetto and wise.
Courtyard kids: they challenge me, stretch me and build me up more than they realise. our different beliefs & ideals don’t make me feel alienated or whatever, and i love you guys not with a fake obliged manner, but because you guys are legitimately awesome people who i love facing our weekly challenges with - and we have the most fun in the entire school. AND the most prettiest girl in the school hangs with us :P
Bible study girls: i’m thankful for their diligence, and their dependence on myself and on God. not that they’re religiously bound my rules and regulations. but they’re shaping and forming to grow with purpose portrayed by the love of Christ unto people.
YD DS: i’m thankful that we’re moving forward. :P
indeedio. tis been a long time since i’ve ever written this much.
2010 - let’s be too legit. too legit to quit.
not that i need or want to be ridiculed or put down. but i’ve just been jam packed with more and more advice on taking on youth ministry and just being totally legit. that is, legit with myself, my faith, my identity, my schoolwork, youth ministry. being hardcore, being passionate. do you have those friends or role models whose very presence inspires you to push yourself? to move forward? to step out of your comfort zone?
i’m grateful i do. and i’m thankful to know that they place a genuine interest in my being and my workings, that they pick out things i’ve messed up on. not to rub it in my face. but to just expose that theres room to improve. without their leadership and the grace of God, i’d be the same self-consumed mess i was just a few months ago. it’s not about me. it’s not about what i’ve done, or the opportunities i’ve missed. but it’s about pressing forward. pursuing greater things for a greater cause.
one thing i’m bringing to 2010:
go hard, or go home.
and here’s a list of people i’m thankful for:
YD Elites: servant-hearted, passionate and direct.
PG & Ate Mons: genuine. ghetto and wise.
Courtyard kids: they challenge me, stretch me and build me up more than they realise. our different beliefs & ideals don’t make me feel alienated or whatever, and i love you guys not with a fake obliged manner, but because you guys are legitimately awesome people who i love facing our weekly challenges with - and we have the most fun in the entire school. AND the most prettiest girl in the school hangs with us :P
Bible study girls: i’m thankful for their diligence, and their dependence on myself and on God. not that they’re religiously bound my rules and regulations. but they’re shaping and forming to grow with purpose portrayed by the love of Christ unto people.
YD DS: i’m thankful that we’re moving forward. :P
indeedio. tis been a long time since i’ve ever written this much.
2010 - let’s be too legit. too legit to quit.
24 December, 2009
project pigeon:
here is an outline of what we shall do:
- Professional food making festival:
- Make chocolate cherries
- Design clothes
- Print shirts
- All day trip to south coast beach y'all
- Mass production - custom skirts and sell to the ladies of the world
- Go to spotlight & buy templates & materials
- Get Jee in on the shenanigans
- Slumber parties
- Girly day
- Facials
- hair dyings
- Movie marathons:
- Disney
and more as our boredom progresses
23 December, 2009
oh poop
he's on my news feed
hanyway. i'm looking forward to the 13th.
21 December, 2009
take a look at my takamine!
bought this this morning.
semi-acoustic bundle of glory. it's got a big body lol, i realised when i got home. but it produces nice sound :)
thinking of naming it comet. don't know why. i wanted to go hebrew again, like maccabee, but i couldn't find the website that provides the prophetic meanings behind jewish words. *sigh.
i was also thinking rogue because of the awesome red strap i bought too! but rogue is girls name.. but then again she's a tough punk face... hm :P
am also writing a rock-type song for yd. (youth with a destiny) oh yeah. i've got dreams about it :D
18 December, 2009
30 minutes ago,
i was reading the pursuit of God. something really caught my eye, and was so very timely for where i am, or for where i'm not. but i remembered just 'till now.
"first of all, he should put away all defence and make no attempt to excuse himself either in his own eyes or before the Lord. whoever defends himself will have himself for defence, and he will have no other. but let him come defenceless before the Lord and he will have for his defender no less than God Himself."
but we let our 'toys' get the best of us. we let it all be about us, rarely looking above at Him.
the funny thing is, is that i'm so broken and dishevelled, and so very hungry for the Word. however lately, i've done nothing about it but seek idols. tear me down. asap.
"first of all, he should put away all defence and make no attempt to excuse himself either in his own eyes or before the Lord. whoever defends himself will have himself for defence, and he will have no other. but let him come defenceless before the Lord and he will have for his defender no less than God Himself."
"Father, i want to know Thee, but my cowardly heart fears to give up its toys"sometimes we compromise our relationship with God, if there is any, for the sake of our own enjoyment, for the sake of belonging, for the sake of not knowing how to approach Him. and it's not a new age christian observation. our brokeness commenced when adam & eve decided to pursue the forbidden fruit, isolated us on this world, torn apart from our intimacy.
but we let our 'toys' get the best of us. we let it all be about us, rarely looking above at Him.
the funny thing is, is that i'm so broken and dishevelled, and so very hungry for the Word. however lately, i've done nothing about it but seek idols. tear me down. asap.
oh flarp!
put stickers on my mac, adds the rock chic. i lurve it.
haha. even though what it says on it is morbid.. it's from my brothero's newy purchased ksubis.
yeah, i was too lazy to get the digi cam out, so i used two mirrors. HA!
1am, tokboxing with simon, eliza and dean who has yet to fix his webcam ha!
haha. even though what it says on it is morbid.. it's from my brothero's newy purchased ksubis.
1am, tokboxing with simon, eliza and dean who has yet to fix his webcam ha!
17 December, 2009
party on!
14 December, 2009
the daily what:
had 2 classes today, the rest of my school day was dedicated to 'Year Eleven's Got Talent'
yeah, i was extremely scared before hand because we were doing 'Brick by Boring Brick' with a whole band, and we never really polished it. but what was so amazing, was whitney and lindsay being the biggest losers and being the only ones standing and dancing, and also the group singing back the 'Barapa Barapapada's' with me :) even though, vocally, it wasn't amazing, but when i knew i had them in the song, i was totally cool. haha.
we managed to raise $800 for year 12 (my grade) YAY!
and beth, my knots have gone down! i no longer feel like i'm dying :D
we managed to raise $800 for year 12 (my grade) YAY!
and beth, my knots have gone down! i no longer feel like i'm dying :D
09 December, 2009
for music, our assessment task was basically to write a song, record it and hand it in. now, i'm not one to brag about my songs, but i put a flippin' cello and viola in it and it made it so much better! tell me what you think, it's on my tumblr
btw. my vocals was epic fail in this song, but i cbb re-recording :D
also, look what i got!
for music, our assessment task was basically to write a song, record it and hand it in. now, i'm not one to brag about my songs, but i put a flippin' cello and viola in it and it made it so much better! tell me what you think, it's on my tumblr
btw. my vocals was epic fail in this song, but i cbb re-recording :D
also, look what i got!
you're never getting it back, like kyle's gat pick, and amanda's red chucks. that's why you shouldn't be stylish. i'll seemingly steal it off you :)
08 December, 2009
status: refreshed
in the midst of doing my essay, encouraging a young person to pursue God motivates me all the more to do the same. i know lately, i haven't given Him much time. i've become tied up and consumed by school work and ministry. not that i'm burnt out - hell....o operator!
but, i want to pursure Him too :)
God watch out. soon and very soon, i'm coming after you.
but, i want to pursure Him too :)
God watch out. soon and very soon, i'm coming after you.
gargoyles are wonderful beings
always make it for more than 2 people or else you'll have an explosion of sugaryness. but it tastes amazing :D
but nothing beats white choc tim tam and mango.
i'm dying my hair red again tonight. i can't wait. and i've got a history essay with my name on it.
07 December, 2009
well partially. have studied for my exam tomorrow. don't really know if i'm set, but i'm feeling confident.
last friday my (ghetto) music class and i went to the sydney opera house and watched The Whitlams & The Sydney Symphony Orchestra. And i have to say it was amazing. The blend of rock & orchestral instruments is magical :)
my head looks amazingly large in the image below:
We got to meet Tim Freedman - the lead singer on the keys - and we got his autograph :) the bassist's family was also sitting in front of us, and would occasionally look over to wave at his son, whom was so cute. I found it funny that they weren't really watching them play, their mother was taking pics with their kids and the kids were playing on her iphone.
oh the celebrity life.
last friday my (ghetto) music class and i went to the sydney opera house and watched The Whitlams & The Sydney Symphony Orchestra. And i have to say it was amazing. The blend of rock & orchestral instruments is magical :)
my head looks amazingly large in the image below:
oh the celebrity life.
06 December, 2009
an untitled mess
*ring ring*
vicki: hello?
other: hi! this is your conscience calling...
vicki: oh, hello.
other: ...just letting you know that you need redemption! you've made quite a mess.
vicki: *sigh i know.
vicki: hello?
other: hi! this is your conscience calling...
vicki: oh, hello.
other: ...just letting you know that you need redemption! you've made quite a mess.
vicki: *sigh i know.
05 December, 2009
05 december:
sitting on a blue plastic chair, by a white desk, using a macbook, with a black lamp, accompanied by the millions of junk compiled around me and i think it's safe to say: hi.
i've read so many blogs today about ones convictions, about ones exposure, about ones deep distress, about ones sheer utter emotional pain. don't get big-headed it doesn't all point to you - whoever you are. one of the greatest highlights of my day was seeing a senior yd-er worship when it wasn't necessarily the designated 'praise & worship time'. joy & andrew were just performing and his eyes were closed and he nodded in agreement to the indescribable beauty that is God. i stood in amazement and followed suit, only because i want that love and adoration for God. at this time of year, i have a bad habit of trying to entertain and please people without considering if i'm pleasing God, and i don't think i am.
sorry, keeping it short & bittersweet
i've read so many blogs today about ones convictions, about ones exposure, about ones deep distress, about ones sheer utter emotional pain. don't get big-headed it doesn't all point to you - whoever you are. one of the greatest highlights of my day was seeing a senior yd-er worship when it wasn't necessarily the designated 'praise & worship time'. joy & andrew were just performing and his eyes were closed and he nodded in agreement to the indescribable beauty that is God. i stood in amazement and followed suit, only because i want that love and adoration for God. at this time of year, i have a bad habit of trying to entertain and please people without considering if i'm pleasing God, and i don't think i am.
sorry, keeping it short & bittersweet
A mother passing by her daughter’s bedroom was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then she saw an envelope propped up prominently on the center of the bed. It was addressed, “Mom.” With the worst premonition, she opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:
Dear Mom: It is with great regret and sorrow that I’m writing you. I had to elope with my new boyfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Dad and you. I’ve been finding real passion with Ahmed and he is so nice-even with all his piercings, tattoos, beard, and his motorcycle clothes. But it’s not only the passion Mom, I’m pregnant and Ahmed said that we will be very happy. He already owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. He wants to have many more children with me and that’s now one of my dreams too. Ahmed taught me that marijuana doesn’t really hurt anyone and we’ll be growing it for us and trading it with his friends for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we’ll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Ahmed can get better; he sure deserves it!! Don’t worry Mom, I’m 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Someday I’m sure we’ll be back to visit so you can get to know your grand children.
Your daughter, Judith
PS: Mom, none of the above is true. I’m over at the neighbor’s house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than my report card that’s in my desk center drawer. I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home.
02 December, 2009
cannot believe i didn't post this. joy's belated birthday dinner.
quite a hilarious night, it was glorious :)pictures tell a sum of phrases so, make up your own:

i look really hot when i give speeches aye? haha. again, it was an awesome - belly filling night :)
yan & niko proposed to me. they proposed that i be one of their vocal coaches for carolling this year. they were singing in my ear. honestly, my heart melted. i cried a little inside.
01 December, 2009
the daily what:
school = desire for holidays
you guys must think i'm the biggest bludger. i'm really not. i do my work.
loving water colour paints right now. these look better in real life. if you observe, they are each of one member of my bible study group. i won't tell you what it's for though :)
two are on the other side of the table - drying.
today, hasn't been the best of days. it was a long day at school, followed by a short night at home. which is incredibly unsatisfying. i watched a movie, then stirred things up with a not-so-heated conversation with ted. i was in such a 'meh' mood.
but, despite all my sheer, utter, gayness. i'm hanging on to His word, to the gospels. i'm dying to myself, for His sake, to be filled by Him. He's so much more filling than all that junk and propaganda i consume myself with (do i have to list it).
all in all. i love Jesus. I love Jesus. I love Jesus. I love Jesus.
two are on the other side of the table - drying.
today, hasn't been the best of days. it was a long day at school, followed by a short night at home. which is incredibly unsatisfying. i watched a movie, then stirred things up with a not-so-heated conversation with ted. i was in such a 'meh' mood.
but, despite all my sheer, utter, gayness. i'm hanging on to His word, to the gospels. i'm dying to myself, for His sake, to be filled by Him. He's so much more filling than all that junk and propaganda i consume myself with (do i have to list it).
all in all. i love Jesus. I love Jesus. I love Jesus. I love Jesus.
but am i living it out?
maccabee, you're so beautiful
by the by, that's not my wallpaper. it cycles passed my fav pictures.
you never know, one of them could be you.
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