21 December, 2009

take a look at my takamine!

bought this this morning.
semi-acoustic bundle of glory. it's got a big body lol, i realised when i got home. but it produces nice sound :)

thinking of naming it comet. don't know why. i wanted to go hebrew again, like maccabee, but i couldn't find the website that provides the prophetic meanings behind jewish words. *sigh.
i was also thinking rogue because of the awesome red strap i bought too! but rogue is girls name.. but then again she's a tough punk face... hm :P

am also writing a rock-type song for yd. (youth with a destiny) oh yeah. i've got dreams about it :D


B said...

beth sounds olright ;] haha.

ITS AWESOME! Write me a song (: project pigeon styles.

ana said...
