26 October, 2009

: disclosure

can i make it any more disclosed?

i'm making it difficult for myself,
there are signs of you everywhere i roam.

and there is so much wrong with that.


i'd like to take this time out to thank yan & pg for initiating the start of a new leaf in myself and in the yd leadership team. we've been sleeping, and we've been partially ignorant, i guess lazy, to bear the burdens and stand in the gap for our generation.

personally speaking,
"for i am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation, for everyone who believes...
for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'they just shall live by faith'".
romans 1:16-17

faith. i'm asked about that a lot by my bible study.He's so faithful when i'm not. and when i get whipped into shape His glory is present. i want to be like paul. gutsy, faithful, trusting, humble, filled with a dark sinful past, but redeemed. through mercy and grace.
