28 October, 2009

i wear a tag sometimes:

krisskittles says:
thank you so much ate vicks !
japanda ; says:
;   krisskittles says:
wellz i should thank God first coz He's the one who spoke through you :)
japanda ; says: 
that's SO true.
;   krisskittles says:
yes it is!
japanda ; says:
dude. revolutionize everything.


was talking to one of the girls in my bible study, she was struggling with something and i just talked to her about it. i was frank about everything, which is how i'm going to be. why sugar-coat everything God says when it's coated with so much grace?

The statement above: "I should thank God first coz He's the one who spoke through you". Sometimes, as a bible study leader, you get so pompous, thinking you're so wise, so righteous and stuff. But what she said just reminded me that it's not about me. what i told her wasn't necessarily from me, but inspired by what God has shown me. so many thousands of thoughts are rushing through my head. but i won't type them out.

i feel really blessed. just with my relationships at school. i hang out with a diverse group of people. we all have our own different belief systems: judaism, buddhism, atheism, christianity. we occasionally have arguments, but generally have really cool discussions. sometimes i'm alienated, and other times really confronted with my faith. if anything, i'm learning so much about sharing the gospel by hanging out with 'non-believers' of different beliefs (gosh, that sounds so rude).

i'll tell you now, i don't like saying 'non-believer', i feel as if i'm being judgmental, or making myself sound all cool and holy. but yes, i don't shove Christ down my friends' throats. at times i get shoved stuff down my throat, but it challenges me. but my insight on sharing the gospel comes down to 'love', just loving people. just conveying that same love Jesus conveyed to all people, disregarding their walk of life. and it was by that, that people saw the goodness of God. so because of that principle i uphold, i find it hard to hate people. yes i dislike certain people, but hate is a totally more hardcore kind of thing.

so, that was my 300 cents on myself so far.
i'm no religious nut, nor do i conceal and cower my identity in Christ.
i'm still developing, i'm a sinner. but through that love that Jesus upholds i'm redeemed.
and redemption, is an awesome thing. so i choose to bear His yoke and His burden, because, for everything He's done in my life. i can't keep it to myself.

signing off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions