20 March, 2010

and all that comes to mind

so studying for my half-yearly exams, that are in the next 2 weeks; my hand is crippled from only writing one essay (for shame), of the many i haven't even begun to memorise, mind cramping from the maths overdosage (that i do enjoy) and then i think of YD, my cell group, my family, my hair (yes, next friday i'm going a brighter red) and ikea. haha. so many things to think of, and so many things to put priority over. who knows what i'll be like during hsc time.

anyhow, i've concluded for the day, and i conclude with a notion dreaming to see young people passionate for Christ. maybe its just because i'm ageing and my views of the younger have changed from when i was their age, or i'm being too analytical. but it kills me when i know they're not walking properly with Christ (and it's spiritual suicide when my heart isn't right), if not walking at all. but all in due time, that's what i'm praying for. wow, imagine our generation if we all knew Christ. and another that comes to mind.. oh, i'll leave that for next time.

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