14 November, 2009

got home at 5am

went to pancakes on the rocks with rajan, yan, el and joy. the usual crew in which we just fellowship together and roam the city streets. our new is aim to add one more person to every time we go. tonight, it was pat. eating in the early hours of the morning didn't do great things for my digestive system. but i could hear pat laughing all the way from my cubicle.. down stairs. lol.

here's a vlog :) we got pulled over by a cop, it was quite a joyous experience don't you think?


Yan said...

'twas great! [:

I just remembered me riding that horse in the arcade ..

raj said...

HAHA! BEST! we have toooo much time. i'm going bed now, still wasted

ana said...

yes, i'm bombed :D
the horse riding was one of many epitomes of the evening.