04 November, 2009

sorry no news,

i bring you no new news. no goss. no updates on my life, just epic boredom and a continuously dying throat that acts out from time to time.

i've just experienced the first wave of year 12 stress, just starting extension history, and starting to actually get homework. that two week break was not enough for me. i really need to chill out, just a period of time where i don't have to worry, i don't have to work, i don't have to consider different options or my future for it.

i'd really like to sleep, i'd really like to take a shower. but essays prove otherwise. and in this dying spring heat. i'll be dead before summer.


Yan said...

yeah, I've noticed that you're up late these days ..

and don't worry, God will provide all the rest you need, you just gotta be disciplined in saying "I will sleep now, I don't care how much I still have to do, I just gotta sleep". rest is sometimes more important. [:

take care of yourself!

B said...

Time management! Dude, be careful! You dont need to burn out on the first term, you got plenty of time for that come HSC.

Im here if you need any help (: YOU CAN DO IT! Jiggle buddies forever!!