13 November, 2009

international to write love on her arms day:

today, whitney and i with our red and black sharpies tagged most of the seniors and 3 teachers with love! promoting a cause that i think is pretty rad. to write love on her arms is a foundation/charity/something in which raises awareness about teen depression and suicide. i love it. we're going to endorse it at school, it's really easy to raise funds for it. oh imagine imagine...

in art with debs and renee.

left to right: jodi, emily, ezekiel, alex, myself, kali & aden

mr. cooooooooombs. you flippin' gangster. when he can't move us from the room, he jams with us.
Haha. i love music.


B said...

I totally forgot that was today!

ana said...

dude. where is your mind!?