12 November, 2009

update #00234

had band practice today! it was of quite some enjoyment. we really packed in a lot in just 2 hours. i'm really satisfied with the progress right now. i just need to work on my second song. also went out to dinner with joy, we ate at hogs breath, but under our own breaths we were kind of hoping to have eaten at mcdonalds. LOL. could've saved $20. but that's okay. got to splurge every once in a while - but on better investments. we made a new friend named gwen, she was awesome.

i get maccabee's new sleeve soon. i very excite. it's red. my favourite colour. also, God has been sweeping out the fog that's been in the midst of my bible study. the clouds are parting, ahh thank you for the grace. cannot believe next week is the last week we'll be together as a group for the year. so i hope we end it off with a bang. 2009 has been a really challenging year. (it's still november. gosh. calm down vicki)

i'm performing at mchappy day this sat! i have a 30 min. set. was told today by aden. i love his humility and his motivation to put AKA (aden kali acoustic) out there. myspace them guys if you'd like. i marvel at their popularity amongst locals. plus, it's cute when i teach him how to harmonise. haha.

bible study at the beginning of the year :) from left to right: kristine, joanna, yours truly, abbie e, abbey o, chloe and kyla at the back? mia: christine, jacqui, naomi and hannah. i miss hannah and naomi!

christmas day 2008, one of the best in a while - even though it was just hanging out. everyone's going away this year. including mumsies. anyone want to celebrate with me?

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