23 November, 2009


remember the days when you used to text me every day? sometimes every hour... you'd even call when you were bored. you'd send through the most random of jokes and stories. then change came, unexpectedly. i rejected it - i didn't embrace it, i pretended it wasn't there, and in the midst of that we had a bit of a fallout. all in all. i grew jealous that you were happy, you saw my "suffering" but i could never confess.

long story short,
all i wanted to say is that i miss you, and i miss doing life with you.
that's what happens when i clean up my phones inbox and i read the text-messages from you that i refuse to delete.

craving this right now. it's SOY good.


angelo. said...

awwww :(

ana said...

aw indeedio

B said...

MMMMMM! I'm feeling the same..

update me!

angelo. said...

i fear i'm going to feel like that soon enough. too soon.

ana said...

"..just don't look down, micah don't look down"