16 November, 2009

the kingdom

watched this today. pretty good film, it's about a group of FBI agents that investigate the bombings inside an american compound in saudi arabia. like always, it contained the right amount of action that i needed. i had to get out of my chair and walk around the room! it was quite the insane. jennifer garner drove i knife into a dudes privates and then into his skull. brutal. i liked that it dabbled on family, that is, the contrasts and similarities of an islamic and non-islamic family.

we, the western world, hold such prejudices against those extremist societies that we see on the news etc, but we fail to recognise or look past those middle eastern bogans, i mean, their misconceptions of us come from those extremists that they exploit on the news right? really, there are decent people in those nations. there are people of different faiths/religions who hold similar morals as we do, perhaps not substitute. but why hate? i wish more christians were more like Jesus and less like judges. we're to offer love, hope, acceptance and forgiveness (through salvation in Jesus Christ), instead some of us alienate, condemn and judge because we feel we have that authority. we don't. and it drives me up the wall. we're to edify not put-down-ify.

we seem to blame them for most things, but have we ever looked at ourselves and asked 'what could i have done to have caused this?' conflicts come from differences of perspectives/beliefs/decisions/etc, and seem to be resolved by our similarities. but i guess, in this world, we'll never reach that place of peace or compromise.

i could dabble on. i was tempted to go onto talking about communism. but i'll leave it here for now. forever interested in history & people
Ms. Sitbog

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